вторник, 24 февраля 2015 г.

Англійські скорочення

ain't = am not / is not / are not / have not / has not:
I ain't going there. не піду туди.
We ain't got money. У нас немає грошей.
ain'tcha = ain't you;
can'tcha = can't you;
letcha = let you;
don'tcha == don't you;
a'bin = have been;
an' == and
anyways = anyway;
'ave / 've / 'a = have;
'appen = happen; 'ere = here; 'ome = home; 'e = he; 'ow = how;
awys = orluss = always;
a = o' = of;
coulda = could have;
coupla = couple of;
didja = did you; whenja = when did you; toleja = told you;
wudja = what do you /what did you;
fella = fellow;
fost = first; wok = work;
g'night = good night; t'day = today; c'mon = come on; g'by = good by;
gon'ta = gonna = to be going to:
You gonna stay here long? Ти збираєшся тут довго бути?
gotta = have got to;
hadda = had to;
heah = here;
helluva = hell of a; . how'bout = how about;
jes' = just;
leggo = let go; lemme = let me; les's see = let us see; gimme = give me;
me = my:
me car / me house / ...
mek = make; tek =take;
'member = remember;
mistah = mister;
musta = must have;
'n' = than;
noa = no; nope = no; naw = no;
on'y = only;
oughta = ought to;
Деякі найбільш поширені редуковані / спотворені форми, характерні для розмовної мови низького рівня:
outa = out of;
'sail right = it's all right;
s'pose = suppose;
shuah = sure;
shurrup = shut up; gerrup = get up; gerraway = get away; orright = all right; gerron = get
sonuvabitch = son of a bitch;
so's = so as;
speaka = speak to; talka = talk to;
tha' = that;
they's = there is;
tomorra = tomorrow;
toucha = touch; puncha = punch:
You toucha my car. I puncha your nose. Торкнешся машини - отримаєш у ніс.
twenny = twenty;
thirdy = thirty;
usta = used to;
wanta = wanna = want to;
wi' = with;
wun't = won't;
willya = will you; wuddaya = what do you; hellya = hell do you; tellya = tell you;
ya / ye = you / your;
yeah / yeap = yes.

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